Places I love to be


I love a good cup of coffee. Admitting, I am a bit of a coffee snob. Instant will not touch these lips! More than the caffeine however, is the routine of morning and making a hot cup of cinnamon topped, frothy coffee. I think my love for my morning coffee also has something to do about the fact that the machine looks out into the garden. The smell of the coffee, the green grass, the sun- ahh a good way to start the day. Next step, check on the little seedlings in the greenhouse and the ones still in their jammies!


Oak and paneI was back to my old flat today. I haven’t lived there in years, about 4 and I have been letting it out ever since.  It is funny what space does to evoke emotions. The combination of memories which coincide with that time in your life with smells and the walls and the floors. Quite nice when a place feels like yours at that time and at the same time, feels good not to be there either. Like period in your life which was a time of change; you are grateful to have been there and different from the experience. It also makes me happy that people who have lived there have felt at home and enjoyed their time there. I want it to be a space that feels like a motherly cuddle. Comfort from any type of ache or sadness. Home. Bedroom peace Kitchen heartGood design never dies

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